Affiliation no. 1730193
School code. 10541

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Affiliation no. 1730193 School code. 10541


Why Alok


A Truly Indian International Educational Institution

Whose Guiding Line is आत्म दीपो भव: means ‘self- realization’ is the path to move on and look ahead for a brighter tomorrow. ALOK is known as an Educational Institution Of Personality Development an innovative effort to integrate the best ideas in education taken from all good practices of Indian values, ethos, culture, customs and traditions whereby learning takes place by doing, where knowledge and activities are not separated from each other, and the virtuous character of the child is built to last a lifetime.

Creativity in thought; thought in action; action with purpose and purpose in life’. With this vision ALOK has been cultivating a wide spectrum of practices to nurture the future generation. Every student of our school is nurtured and empowered to blossom in their own special way.

Alok strongly believes that all students have the potential to be successful learners and there is no limit to what a child can achieve. Each child has a different learning style. Our curriculum keeps evolving to incorporate the latest learning techniques through highly qualified and dedicated teaching staff with a wide range of skills and interests which gives shape to this and provides a very enriching environment.

Alok also strives to make the principle of universal peace and tolerance the basis of ALOK , so that every child who comes to us leaves the school with a habit of humility making our future world a place of harmony and goodwill towards all. Emphasis is laid on learning from the environment combining spiritual philosophies with different subjects in the curriculum.

Alok believes that the classroom experiences of children are to be organized in a manner that permits them to construct knowledge in consonance with the child’s nature and context, thus providing equal learning opportunities for all children.

ALok aims at enhancing the child’s innate desire and acumen to learn. Activity is at the heart of children’s attempt to make sense of the world around them. Therefore, every resource is deployed in a child-centric manner to enable them to express themselves, handle objects, explore their natural and social milieu, and to grow up in good health.

Attributes of Alok

The Seven Attributes of Alok which are reflected in its daily activities for the students distinguish Alok from other educational institutions:


Since the establishment of Alok , it has formulated its ideology & philosophy which is very much close to the National Education Policy 2020 . It is very practical, linked to nature and real life situations rather than just reading books and memorizing information. The aim is for a holistic development of the students including cognitive, mental, physical and spiritual wellness. Another plus point of education at Alok is that rather than focusing on memorizing books , the focus is actually on developing the human values of the students . Values like empathy, self-reliance, creativity, right behavior, strong moral values and ethical behaviors are encouraged so that the students can practically implement knowledge to find solutions to real-world problems.
Alok’s primary aim is to build in all-round development of the students through instilling values like integrity,patriotism ,honesty, trust, tolerance, punctuality togetherness and compassion in the students, helping them to become a meaningful part of their nation and environment. Alok ensures that holistic learning is imparted through a plethora of opportunities so Alok pledges to guide students realize their creative potential by nurturing them with an aptitude for leadership, innovation, scientific temper, sports, literature, arts and citizenship values.


Alok’s USP is inculcating sanskars among the students, which means teaching through our own righteous actions and not just preaching but by setting an example through our own actions. Alok’s kids when they leave the school & will grow up are identified everywhere among thousands when they touch the feet of elders. Geeting up early in the morning, reciting ‘Karagre Vasate Lakshmi’, paying obeisance to Mother Earth, paying obeisance to parents and elderly people, behaving with humility and love with everyone, maintaining cleanliness, living neatly, attending school every day, completing homework on time, helping mother in her housework. If good sanskars are instilled in the children at an early age then it will make their life happy and help in the progress of the Nation.


Alok is known for one of the leading institutes which is known to act as an ambassador of Indian culture & civilisation as it has included all major lessons of them in its curriculum while celebrating festivals, Jayanties even includes customs, rituals, ideology and way of life with major lessons of Vedas , Upanishads , Purans , etc & helps to teach the living pattern too . DIKSHA ( MANGLOTSAV)- It is considered as one of the most sacred & special activities of the school which is looked forward to by every Alokite . It is conducted for the students of class 12 in the manner which was used tobe conducted in Gurukula in ancient times . It may be called as Dikshant Samorah.


It is true that the morality, ethics & respect towards each other has constituted the India & Indians that should be preserved at any cost by each & every citizen of India. That’s what Alok believes & striving to instill the same in its students since its establishment. Everyday the special morning assembly is must to teach the INDIAN VALUES through the Vedas, the Geeta , the Ramayana , Puranas, holy books all depict the moral values or the moral duties of a human being which was considered as mandatory to lead a perfect & happy life. It is not the only ancient belief but has relevance even today. Every Year the Director of Alok Institution Dr Pradeep Kumawat instills such values through Ram Katha & every Wednesday we have Meditation by Him . Value education is not only part of the curriculum but is an integral part of the school. Right from class Pre Nursery onwards, the values of honesty, respect, caring, and cleanliness are instilled in the students. Towards this, different classes perform Street plays to bring out different values to the general public. The Helping Hand Project gives different opportunities to the students to help them to develop a respect for different cultures and society. Unke Ghar bhi Diya Jhale , Spandan and many other activities which imbibe the value of Service Before Self. During birthdays children are encouraged to donate something to Vanvasi Kalyan Kosh instead of bringing chocolates


The process to learn and master discipline starts at school. A child will never be successful in his adult life if he has not followed a disciplined life since childhood. So, school plays a key role in imparting discipline. Various activities are held in the school to train them to remain in proper discipline that develops the analytical skills of the students. Discipline is followed in the premises of school as well as the hostel. We have prepared a schedule for each student which inculcates time management and discipline in them. Furthermore, we even motivate the students to participate in various activities to learn team building skills along with maintaining discipline. So, when they grow up, they can exploit their skills to solve real-life challenges.


Service learning is one of the most special & important attributes of Alok which has kept it a very special place in the society . I connect student learning with real-world experiences in the community. Students who participate in it are more deeply engaged in their local communities, gain practical skills, develop their career and personal interests, and are usually more engaged citizens. We have Interact Club Activities like Unke Ghar bhi Diya Jhale , Spandan( Distributing winter clothes, blankets etc) , tutoring, serving meals, working with patients, raising funds , participating in rallies for public awareness against social evils etc. Alok’s motto is ‘Service before self’ and all our endeavors are towards staying true to our motto. ‘Joy of Giving’ activity has the whole school amassing raw food items, apparel or stationery and taking it across to the less fortunate. The students intermingle with the inmates which helps them get an insight into their lives sensitizing them to the underprivileged. To inculcate the importance of a clean environment, the whole school participates in “Cleanliness Campaign ” where all students and staff help clean their classrooms. Alok conducts many social awareness campaigns like Anti Drug Campaign , Polythene Ban Campaign, Save Tres Save Earth etc , the ‘Care and Share’ week helps in building comradeship by not only helping friends but also doing good deeds for relatives or strangers and coming and sharing with all during the school assembly.


There's no question that leadership is one of the most sought-after career skills. Students need guidance and the right projects and activities to help them become the leaders they want to be. A number of activities are conducted from every morning assembly till the school gets over for the day in the school. Maharana Pratap Literary Activities, Vivekanand Youth Week for cultural & sports activities are the Part & Parcel of School Calendar which provide ample opportunities to sharpen the leadership skills of the students. At all levels of schooling, children are given leadership opportunities through House Systems , Heritage Club , Road Safety Club, Eco Club , Science Club , Arts Club ,Interact Club Activities, maximum duties & responsibilities to maximum students that help them develop self-confidence, academic excellence and a strong sense of community spirit.

What makes ALOK, a premier institute !

Our Distinctiveness through the activities like !

Alok has its set goals & guiding principles !